Acting mainly on the white matter of the brain and spinal cord. It regulates the hydration of the whole organism, it acts in the acid-base balance.
Essential for the regeneration of cells and elimination of toxins, preventing viruses and bacteria from penetrating.
• Osmotic balance.
• Cell reproduction.
• Dryness.
Physical Aspects:
In all types of alteration of sexual function, thinning with good appetite and thirst.
Seborrhea with greasy skin; Edemas by accumulation of liquids and frequent cooling.
Depression and nervous imbalance (restlessness, palpitations). Goat feces.
Psychological aspects:
Is rejection intolerable, confusing, eccentric, crying? Do not you like being comforted and sensitive to music?
Sodium Chloride
Magnesium Stearate
Steviol glycosides